Sometimes The Law Wins

…today on Transit – I’m just going to jump right in here. I’m a lawbreaker. I bought my $100 monthly pass to ride the MAX – you know, TRIMET.ORG like I do the first of every month. I bought this one on the 1st as I was walking from my Jeep to the platform. Anyway, in my haste to get on the train I forgot to “validate” the ticket I’d just purchased with my phone (like I do every month for $100). I got on the MAX and went to work…same thing the next day, got on and went to work. Today the God like fare inspectors were out and of course I wasn’t worried because I had a paid ticket like I do every month for $100 (picking up on my snarkcasim there). He asked to see my ticket and I open the app and only then did I realize I’d forgotten to “validate”…instantly overcome with that sinking feeling that “this isn’t going to be good” – and just as I think that – he starts berating me like a child, asking in a very unpleasant tone “Why did you just validate that as I got on here”, really treating me like I was a criminal – insinuating that I wouldn’t validate it thereby it would be good “until I got caught”. I tried to explain to him that I have all my receipts on my phone for those $100 purchases – but nooooooo he didn’t care. Whatever happened to common sense. The guy was a total asshat – yeah, I should have remembered that one crucial step to validate and because I buy a ticket every month for $100 I now get to miss work, face a $90 fine and above all that I got treated like a cheeseball, like a criminal in front of people who don’t know me. People who for a brief moment thought to themselves “yeah he doesn’t have a ticket – glad he got caught – I’m tired of supporting all the freeloaders” – I was tramatized, maybe I’ll sue (yeah right) – I will however go to court and face down my accuser….good night.